Sunday, February 25, 2007

Will Smith introduces...

Michael Mann's viewpoint of America through its movies... Which seems to be just a montage of other people's movies...

What's the point of this stuff? -Wendy
Good question. We're already 9 minutes late with five films to present. And while I personally love a good clip show, this is kind of silly... Plus, we haven't done in memorium yet either... So, we have another clip montage to get through.

And now, we have Kate Winslet introducing Best Film editing...
And the Oscar goes to Thelma Schoonmaker for The Departed... I like her, so I'm glad. I heard her speak once when I was just out of college. She's good people. And, the first person she thanks is Martin Scorcese and then the writer and the actors.


Anonymous said...

any idea what the first song in mann's montage was? it sounded like repeating elctronic chimes?

harx1 said...

I don't, and I just deleted the DVR so I can't go back and look.