Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ernst & Young Accountants

Jane Lynch and Paula Abdul come out in a suit and tie and then introduce the real accountants.

They introduce Amy Poehler and Melissa McCartney who read off the teleprompter and say that they are glad that the male actors have finally been able to break through the glass ceiling, but warn them they should still be willing to show some skin.

Lead Actor

Barry Pepper wins for The Kennedys (I'm really surprised), but he was not there to accept in person, so Melissa uses that time to thank James Burrows.

Outstanding direction for mini-series, movie or dramatic special...
Brian Percival for Downtown Abby. Oooh... another British accent? Yes, and he is a low talker, so I'm reading his speech via the closed captioning. They are not very fast typists.

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