Sunday, September 18, 2011

And they're back...

Jane Lynch comes out and immediately says she's bummed by the loss and introduces Ricky Gervais.

Who says he's not there because he's not allowed to attend any award shows. And then says that he's not allowed to badmouth anyone and if he does then the producers will just edit him and he'd never know. What follows is a bit of a rant, but every curse word leads to another word. He lost five times last year, and the other nominees were pure Shi-ndler's list was another movie, etc.

Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series...

Michael Allen Spiller - Modern Family

Zoey Deschanel and Will Arnett come out to introduce the nominees for Comedy writing. Will took over the teleprompter and attempts to tell a joke, but didn't have the punchline. Again, a little bit funnier than my explanation.

Steven Levitan and Jeffrey Richman - Modern Family

Wow, this is beginning to be a bit of runaway by Modern Family. Good and funny speech by the two writers.

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