Sunday, September 18, 2011

Countdown to the 2011 Emmy Awards has begun...

Now that the FOX late game (Cowboys vs. 49ers) has ended, the countdown to the Emmy Awards has begun. Now, I'm of the opinion that Neil Patrick Harris should host every awards show, but if he can't (what with infant twins at home), then we'll have to settle for another host. And, since Jane Lynch is the best thing about Glee, it's worth seeing if she is up to the task. She's hosted things before, but never anything on this scale. But then, the same could have been said about NPH before he hosted his first Tonys show. He had previously only hosted the TVLand awards. So, let's see how she does.

And now FOX has turned from sports to the red carpet arrivals, but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to stand watching it. I'll do my best. For you... the reader.

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