Sunday, February 27, 2011

And another Oscars live-blog comes to a close...

All in all, I'm kind of underwhelmed. Sandra Bullock should host next year as she did a fine job with the ridiculous intros to the Best Actor nominee scenes. The Kings Speech cleaned up the important awards, as we all assumed it would. The Fighter took home both Best Supporting Performer awards. Inception grabbed a few of the techie awards and Toy Story 3 took the two awards I assumed it would - Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song. The Social Network's Aaron Sorkin got the Best Adapted Screenplay award which is all to the good, and I loved the speech by the winner of Best Original Screenplay award (David Seidler) as this man of an advanced age gave hope for the not yet crowd. And, Natlaie Portman did not go over the top in her speech, as she did at the Globes.

So, the winners did their part, but the writing, direction and (as much as it hurts to say this), the hosts left a lot to be desired (as I think James Franco realized and checked out, while Anne Hathaway (bless her heart) kept trying.

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